Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Czech word hluk to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | ado |
English | blare |
English | bluster |
English | broil |
English | clamour |
English | din |
English | hubbub |
English | noise |
English | outcry |
English | racket |
English | row |
English | tumult |
English | vociferation |
German | Geräusch |
German | Geräusche |
German | Lärm |
French | boucan |
French | brouhaha |
French | bruit |
French | clameur |
French | fracas |
French | tumulte |
Russian | гам |
Russian | шум |
Polish | gwar |
Polish | hałas |
Polish | harmider |
Polish | huk |
Polish | krzyk |
Polish | łoskot |
Polish | odgłos |
Polish | szum |
Polish | wrzask |
Polish | wrzawa |
Polish | wzburzenie |
Polish | zamieszanie |
Polish | zgiełk |
Spanish | algazara |
Spanish | bullicio |
Spanish | clamor |
Spanish | estruendo |
Spanish | ruido |
Spanish | tumulto |
Italian | baccano |
Italian | casino |
Italian | rumore |
Italian | schiamazzo |
Italian | tumulto |
Italian | zuffa |
Portuguese | barulho |
Dutch | støj |
Discover more translations in the Czech dictionary.
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