Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Czech word krutost to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | atrocity |
English | barbarism |
English | barbarity |
English | cruelty |
English | ferocity |
English | harshness |
English | rigour |
English | severity |
German | Barbarei |
French | âpreté |
French | atrocité |
French | barbarie |
French | cruauté |
French | férocité |
French | rigueur |
Russian | жестокость |
Russian | зверство |
Polish | barbarzyństwo |
Polish | chropowatość |
Polish | dzikość |
Polish | okropność |
Polish | okrucieństwo |
Polish | ostrość |
Polish | powaga |
Polish | rygor |
Polish | srogość |
Polish | surowość |
Spanish | atrocidad |
Spanish | barbaridad |
Spanish | barbarie |
Spanish | crueldad |
Spanish | severidad |
Italian | crudeltà |
Italian | efferatezza |
Italian | ferocia |
Italian | rigore |
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