Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Czech word porušit to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | blemish |
English | break |
English | contravene |
English | disturb |
English | infringe |
English | transgress |
English | violate |
English | vitiate |
German | brechen |
German | stören |
German | vergewaltigen |
German | verletzen |
German | zerbrechen |
French | altérer |
French | corrompre |
French | déranger |
French | enfreindre |
French | fausser |
French | perturber |
French | pervertir |
French | rompre |
French | violer |
Russian | беспокоить |
Russian | изнасиловать |
Russian | нарушать |
Polish | gwałcić |
Polish | łamać |
Polish | naruszać |
Polish | naruszyć |
Polish | niepokoić |
Polish | pogwałcić |
Polish | przekraczać |
Polish | przekroczyć |
Polish | przeszkadzać |
Polish | psuć |
Polish | zakłócać |
Polish | zanieczyszczać |
Polish | zepsuć |
Polish | złamać |
Polish | zmieniać |
Polish | zniekształcać |
Polish | zrywać |
Spanish | molestar |
Spanish | quebrar |
Spanish | romper |
Spanish | trastornar |
Italian | disturbare |
Italian | frastornare |
Italian | incomodare |
Italian | infrangere |
Italian | rompere |
Italian | stuprare |
Italian | violare |
Portuguese | importunar |
Portuguese | incomodar |
Portuguese | molestar |
Portuguese | partir |
Portuguese | perturbar |
Portuguese | quebrar |
Portuguese | rasgar |
Portuguese | romper |
Portuguese | viciar |
Portuguese | violar |
Portuguese | violentar |
Dutch | brække |
Dutch | forstyrre |
Dutch | hindre |
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