Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Czech word poznamenat to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | jot |
English | mark |
English | note |
English | notice |
English | observe |
English | remark |
English | stigmatise |
English | stigmatize |
German | anmerken |
German | bemerken |
German | notieren |
French | marquer |
French | noter |
French | remarquer |
French | repérer |
French | stigmatiser |
Russian | заметить |
Russian | замечать |
Polish | cechować |
Polish | notować |
Polish | oznaczać |
Polish | piętnować |
Polish | spostrzegać |
Polish | zanotować |
Polish | zapisywać |
Polish | zauważać |
Polish | zauważyć |
Polish | zaznaczyć |
Polish | spostrzeżenie |
Spanish | acatar |
Spanish | advertir |
Spanish | apuntar |
Spanish | notar |
Italian | annotare |
Italian | contrassegnare |
Italian | marcare |
Italian | notare |
Italian | segnare |
Portuguese | marcar |
Portuguese | notar |
Portuguese | observar |
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