Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word consistency to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | Beständigkeit |
German | Festigkeit |
German | Folgerichtigkeit |
German | Konsequenz |
German | Konsistenz |
German | Logik |
German | Übereinstimmung |
French | accord |
French | cohérence |
French | cohésion |
French | concert |
French | concordance |
French | conformité |
French | conséquence |
French | consistance |
French | convenance |
French | correspondance |
French | logique |
French | solidité |
Russian | консистенция |
Russian | логичность |
Russian | последовательность |
Russian | постоянство |
Russian | слаженность |
Russian | совместимость |
Russian | согласованность |
Polish | koherencja |
Polish | konsekwencja |
Polish | konsystencja |
Polish | logiczność |
Polish | niesprzeczność |
Polish | spójność |
Polish | stałość |
Polish | stanowczość |
Polish | zgodność |
Spanish | consecuencia |
Spanish | consistencia |
Italian | consistenza |
Portuguese | consistência |
Dutch | consequentie |
Dutch | gevolg |
Armenian | կայունություն |
Armenian | հետևողականություն |
Czech | hustota |
Czech | konzistence |
Czech | shoda |
Czech | shodnost |
Czech | soudržnost |
Czech | souhlas |
Czech | tuhost |
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