Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word corporal to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | körperlich |
German | Korporal |
French | cabot |
French | charnel |
French | corporel |
French | matériel |
French | physique |
French | caporal |
Russian | телесный |
Russian | антиминс |
Russian | ефрейтор |
Russian | капрал |
Russian | сержант |
Russian | унтер-офицер |
Polish | cielesny |
Polish | kapral |
Polish | kara |
Polish | korporał |
Spanish | cabo |
Spanish | corporal |
Spanish | corpóreo |
Italian | corporale |
Italian | corporeo |
Italian | materiale |
Portuguese | cabo |
Dutch | korporaal |
Dutch | stoffelijk |
Armenian | մարմնավոր |
Armenian | նյութական |
Armenian | տասնապետ |
Czech | desátník |
Czech | kaprál |
Czech | tělesný |
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