Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word courtesy to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | Gefälligkeit |
German | Höflichkeit |
German | Liebenswürdigkeit |
French | accortise |
French | affabilité |
French | amabilité |
French | amitié |
French | civilité |
French | complaisance |
French | compliment |
French | courtoisie |
French | galanterie |
French | honnêteté |
French | obligeance |
French | politesse |
French | prévenance |
Russian | вежливость |
Russian | любезность |
Russian | обходительность |
Russian | учтивость |
Polish | grzeczność |
Polish | kurtuazja |
Polish | uprzejmość |
Spanish | atención |
Spanish | cortesía |
Spanish | obsequio |
Italian | cortesia |
Italian | favore |
Dutch | beleefdheid |
Armenian | բարեկրթություն |
Armenian | սիրալիրություն |
Armenian | քաղաքավարություն |
Czech | dvornost |
Czech | laskavost |
Czech | poklona |
Czech | zdvořilost |
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