Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word disappoint to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | enttäuschen |
French | décevoir |
French | défriser |
French | désappointer |
French | frustrer |
French | trahir |
French | tromper |
Russian | лишать |
Russian | обманывать |
Russian | разочаровать |
Russian | разочаровывать |
Polish | rozczarować |
Polish | rozczarowywać |
Polish | zawieść |
Polish | zawodzić |
Spanish | decepcionar |
Spanish | defraudar |
Spanish | desencantar |
Spanish | desengañar |
Italian | deludere |
Portuguese | decepcionar |
Portuguese | decepcione |
Portuguese | desapareça |
Portuguese | desaparecer |
Dutch | ontgoochelen |
Dutch | tegenvallen |
Dutch | teleurstellen |
Armenian | հիասթափել |
Armenian | հիասթափեցնել |
Armenian | հուսախաբել |
Czech | zklamat |
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