Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word disgraceful to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | beschämend |
German | schändlich |
French | honteux |
French | ignominieux |
French | inavouable |
French | indigne |
French | infâme |
Russian | бесславный |
Russian | бесчестный |
Russian | зазорный |
Russian | позорный |
Russian | позорящий |
Russian | постыдный |
Russian | скандальный |
Polish | haniebny |
Polish | niechlubny |
Polish | sromotny |
Spanish | ignominioso |
Spanish | vergonzoso |
Dutch | schandelijk |
Armenian | ամոթալի |
Armenian | անազնիվ |
Armenian | անպատիվ |
Armenian | խայտառակ |
Czech | hanebný |
Czech | ostudný |
Czech | potupný |
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