Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word ignominy to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | Blamage |
German | Schande |
German | Schmach |
French | affront |
French | bassesse |
French | déshonneur |
French | disgrâce |
French | honte |
French | ignominie |
French | infamie |
French | opprobre |
Russian | бесславие |
Russian | бесчестье |
Russian | низость |
Russian | позор |
Polish | hańba |
Polish | podłość |
Polish | sromota |
Spanish | ignominia |
Italian | vergogna |
Dutch | schande |
Armenian | անարգություն |
Armenian | խայտառակություն |
Czech | hanba |
Czech | hanebnost |
Czech | ostuda |
Czech | potupa |
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