Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word protest to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | Einspruch |
German | Protest |
German | protestieren |
French | contester |
French | protester |
French | contestation |
French | protestation |
Russian | опротестовать |
Russian | отнекиваться |
Russian | протестовать |
Russian | опротестование |
Russian | протест |
Polish | protestować |
Polish | protest |
Polish | zapewnienie |
Spanish | protesta |
Spanish | protestar |
Spanish | protesto |
Spanish | reclamar |
Italian | protesta |
Italian | protestare |
Portuguese | proteína |
Portuguese | protestar |
Portuguese | protesto |
Dutch | bestrijden |
Dutch | betwisten |
Dutch | bezwaar |
Dutch | protest |
Dutch | protesteren |
Dutch | tegenwerping |
Armenian | առարկել |
Armenian | բողոթել |
Armenian | բողոկագիր |
Armenian | բողոք |
Armenian | բողոքարկել |
Armenian | բողոքարկում |
Armenian | բողոքել |
Armenian | գանգատարկել |
Czech | ohrazení |
Czech | protest |
Czech | protestovat |
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