Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word quarrelsome to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | streitsüchtig |
German | zänkisch |
French | acariâtre |
French | agressif |
French | batailleur |
French | belliqueux |
French | brouillon |
French | hargneux |
French | querelleur |
Russian | бранчливый |
Russian | вздорный |
Russian | драчливый |
Russian | неуживчивый |
Russian | привязчивый |
Russian | придирчивый |
Russian | сварливый |
Russian | скандальный |
Polish | czupurny |
Polish | kłótliwy |
Polish | napastliwy |
Polish | niezgodny |
Polish | swarliwy |
Polish | zadziorny |
Italian | attaccabrighe |
Italian | litigioso |
Armenian | կռվարար |
Czech | hádavý |
Czech | hašteřivý |
Czech | svárlivý |
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