Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word someone to other languages.
Language | Translation |
French | humain |
French | individu |
French | mortel |
French | personne |
French | quidam |
French | aucun |
French | quelqu'un |
Russian | личность |
Russian | персона |
Russian | человек |
Polish | ktoś |
Spanish | alguien |
Spanish | alguno |
Italian | qualcuno |
Portuguese | alguém |
Portuguese | indivíduo |
Portuguese | personagem |
Portuguese | pessoa |
Portuguese | sujeito |
Dutch | enig |
Dutch | enkeling |
Dutch | individu |
Dutch | kerel |
Dutch | knul |
Dutch | menselijk |
Dutch | personage |
Dutch | persoon |
Dutch | snuiter |
Dutch | sujet |
Dutch | vent |
Armenian | մեկը |
Armenian | ինչ որ մեկը |
Czech | kdosi |
Czech | někdo |
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