Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the English word textile to other languages.
Language | Translation |
German | Gewebe |
German | Stoff |
French | textile |
French | étoffe |
French | tissu |
French | tissure |
Russian | прядильный |
Russian | текстильный |
Russian | ткацкий |
Russian | ткацко-прядильный |
Russian | текстиль |
Russian | ткань |
Polish | tekstylny |
Polish | włókienniczy |
Polish | tekstylia |
Polish | tkanina |
Spanish | tejido |
Spanish | tela |
Spanish | textil |
Italian | stoffa |
Italian | tessile |
Italian | tessuto |
Portuguese | estofo |
Portuguese | pano |
Portuguese | tecido |
Portuguese | têxteis |
Dutch | laken |
Dutch | stof |
Dutch | textiel |
Dutch | weefsel |
Armenian | գործվածքային |
Armenian | կտորեղեն |
Armenian | մանածագործական |
Armenian | մանածագործվածքներ |
Armenian | տեքստիլ |
Czech | látka |
Czech | textil |
Czech | textilní |
Czech | tkanina |
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