Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the French word cavalier to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | accompanist |
English | cavalier |
English | cavalryman |
English | equestrian |
English | horseman |
English | jumper |
English | knight |
English | mate |
English | partner |
English | rider |
English | spouse |
English | trooper |
German | Ehegatte |
German | Ehegattin |
German | Gattin |
German | Gemahlin |
German | Kavalier |
German | Partner |
German | Reiter |
Russian | всадник |
Russian | кавалер |
Russian | кавалерист |
Russian | наездник |
Russian | партнер |
Russian | партнёр |
Russian | рыцарь |
Russian | седок |
Polish | dżentelmen |
Polish | jaśniepański |
Polish | jeździec |
Polish | kawaler |
Polish | kawalerzysta |
Polish | koń |
Polish | partner |
Polish | rycerz |
Polish | swobodny |
Spanish | caballero |
Spanish | caballista |
Spanish | jinete |
Spanish | pareja |
Italian | ballerino |
Italian | cavaliere |
Portuguese | acólito |
Portuguese | acompanhante |
Portuguese | cavaleiro |
Portuguese | companheiro |
Portuguese | cônjuge |
Portuguese | parceiro |
Dutch | ægtefælle |
Dutch | partner |
Dutch | rytter |
Czech | jezdec |
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