Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the French word dédain to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | contempt |
English | despite |
English | disdain |
English | disregard |
English | scorn |
English | slight |
German | abfällig |
German | Geringschätzung |
German | Verachtung |
Russian | неуважение |
Russian | презрение |
Russian | презрительность |
Russian | пренебрежение |
Polish | lekceważenie |
Polish | pogarda |
Polish | wzgarda |
Spanish | desdén |
Spanish | desprecio |
Spanish | menosprecio |
Italian | disdegno |
Italian | sdegno |
Italian | sprezzo |
Portuguese | desdém |
Portuguese | desdenhar |
Portuguese | desprezo |
Portuguese | menosprezo |
Portuguese | vilipêndio |
Dutch | foragt |
Dutch | forsmå |
Czech | opovrhování |
Czech | opovržení |
Czech | pohrdání |
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