Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the French word noir to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | black |
English | blackness |
English | dark |
English | darkness |
English | sable |
German | dunkel |
German | Dunkelheit |
German | negrid |
German | schwarz |
German | schwarzhaarig |
Russian | темноволосый |
Russian | черный |
Russian | чёрный |
Russian | мрачность |
Russian | негр |
Russian | темень |
Russian | темнота |
Russian | тьма |
Polish | chmurny |
Polish | chuligan |
Polish | ciemność |
Polish | ciemnowłosy |
Polish | czarnorynkowy |
Polish | czarnoskóry |
Polish | czarnoziem |
Polish | czarny |
Polish | czerń |
Polish | czernidło |
Polish | monochrom |
Spanish | negro |
Spanish | negruzco |
Spanish | oscuridad |
Spanish | oscuro |
Spanish | sombrío |
Spanish | tenebroso |
Italian | buio |
Italian | negro |
Italian | nero |
Italian | scuro |
Portuguese | escuridão |
Portuguese | escuro |
Portuguese | negro |
Portuguese | preto |
Dutch | dunkelhed |
Dutch | mørk |
Dutch | mørke |
Dutch | sort |
Dutch | uvidenhed |
Czech | čerň |
Czech | černoch |
Czech | černošský |
Czech | černý |
Czech | tmavý |
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