Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word daleki to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | distant |
English | far |
English | faraway |
English | far-away |
English | far-off |
English | long-haul |
English | remote |
German | abgelegen |
German | entfernt |
German | fern |
German | hoch |
German | weit |
German | weitläufig |
French | écarté |
French | éloigné |
French | haut |
French | lointain |
French | reculé |
Russian | давний |
Russian | далекий |
Russian | дальний |
Russian | дистанционный |
Russian | длинный |
Russian | отдаленный |
Russian | удаленный |
Spanish | distante |
Spanish | lejano |
Spanish | lejos |
Spanish | remoto |
Spanish | ulterior |
Italian | distante |
Italian | lontano |
Italian | remoto |
Portuguese | distante |
Portuguese | pejos |
Portuguese | remoto |
Portuguese | ulterior |
Dutch | fjern |
Czech | daleký |
Czech | odlehlý |
Czech | vzdálený |
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