Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word narząd to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | apparatus |
English | organ |
German | Apparat |
German | Gerät |
German | Organ |
German | Vorrichtung |
French | appareil |
French | organe |
Russian | аппарат |
Russian | аппаратура |
Russian | инструмент |
Russian | орган |
Russian | прибор |
Spanish | aparato |
Spanish | instrumento |
Spanish | máquina |
Spanish | órgano |
Italian | apparecchio |
Italian | organo |
Portuguese | aparato |
Portuguese | aparelho |
Portuguese | instrumento |
Portuguese | máquina |
Portuguese | órgão |
Dutch | apparat |
Dutch | organ |
Dutch | redskab |
Czech | aparát |
Czech | orgán |
Czech | přístroj |
Czech | ústrojí |
Czech | varhany |
Czech | zařízení |
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