Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word niedorzeczny to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | absurd |
English | fatuous |
English | inappropriate |
English | inept |
English | preposterous |
English | senseless |
English | silly |
English | unconscionable |
English | unreasonable |
German | absurd |
German | albern |
German | doof |
German | dumm |
German | lächerlich |
German | sinnlos |
German | unsinnig |
German | widersinnig |
French | absurde |
French | extravagant |
French | inepte |
French | insensé |
French | sot |
Russian | абсурдный |
Russian | бессмысленный |
Russian | бестолковый |
Russian | глупый |
Russian | дурацкий |
Russian | нелепый |
Russian | смешной |
Russian | экстравагантный |
Spanish | absurdo |
Spanish | disparatado |
Spanish | fatuo |
Spanish | insensato |
Spanish | ridículo |
Spanish | tonto |
Italian | assurdo |
Italian | insensato |
Portuguese | absurdo |
Portuguese | disparatado |
Portuguese | insensato |
Portuguese | ridículo |
Portuguese | tonto |
Dutch | absurd |
Dutch | meningsløs |
Dutch | urimelig |
Czech | absurdní |
Czech | bláznivý |
Czech | hloupý |
Czech | nejapný |
Czech | neschopný |
Czech | nesmyslný |
Czech | pošetilý |
Czech | směšný |
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