Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word obserwacja to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | introspection |
English | observation |
English | watch |
German | Beobachter |
German | Beobachtung |
German | Observation |
French | observation |
French | surveillance |
Russian | внимание |
Russian | замечание |
Russian | караул |
Russian | наблюдение |
Russian | стража |
Spanish | nota |
Spanish | observación |
Spanish | reparo |
Italian | osservazione |
Portuguese | nota |
Portuguese | observação |
Portuguese | reparo |
Dutch | iagttagelse |
Dutch | observation |
Czech | dodržování |
Czech | hlídání |
Czech | postřeh |
Czech | poznámka |
Czech | pozorování |
Czech | sledování |
Czech | zkoumání |
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