Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word pijaństwo to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | drinking |
English | drunkenness |
English | inebriety |
English | potation |
German | Betrunkenheit |
German | Sauferei |
German | Trunk |
German | Trunkenheit |
German | Trunksucht |
French | cuite |
French | ébriété |
French | enivrement |
French | ivresse |
French | ivrognerie |
French | pochardise |
Russian | опьянение |
Russian | пьянство |
Spanish | alcoholismo |
Spanish | beodez |
Spanish | borrachera |
Spanish | crápula |
Spanish | embriaguez |
Portuguese | borracheira |
Portuguese | crápula |
Portuguese | embriaguez |
Dutch | forgiftning |
Czech | opilost |
Czech | opilství |
Czech | opojení |
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