Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word prawdopodobny to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | apt |
English | conjectural |
English | feasible |
English | likely |
English | plausible |
English | probable |
German | mutmaßlich |
German | voraussichtlich |
German | wahrscheinlich |
French | possible |
French | présumable |
French | probable |
French | valable |
French | vraisemblable |
Russian | вероятный |
Russian | возможный |
Russian | достижимый |
Russian | правдоподобный |
Spanish | aproximado |
Spanish | creíble |
Spanish | dable |
Spanish | hipotético |
Spanish | posible |
Spanish | presumible |
Spanish | probable |
Spanish | verosímil |
Italian | fattibile |
Italian | probabile |
Italian | verosimile |
Portuguese | aproximado |
Portuguese | hipotético |
Portuguese | presumisse |
Portuguese | propale |
Portuguese | provável |
Portuguese | verosímil |
Dutch | sandsynlig |
Czech | možný |
Czech | pravděpodobný |
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