Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word przyprawa to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | additive |
English | condiment |
English | dressing |
English | flavouring |
English | sauce |
English | seasoning |
English | spice |
English | zest |
German | Gewürz |
German | Würze |
German | Zutat |
French | assaisonnement |
French | condiment |
French | épice |
French | fourniture |
French | poivrade |
French | rocambole |
Russian | пикантность |
Russian | приправа |
Russian | пряность |
Russian | специя |
Spanish | aderezo |
Spanish | condimento |
Spanish | especia |
Spanish | salsa |
Spanish | sazón |
Italian | condimento |
Portuguese | condimento |
Portuguese | salsa |
Dutch | krydderi |
Czech | kořenění |
Czech | koření |
Czech | okořenění |
Czech | úprava |
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