Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word płachta to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | canvas |
English | cloth |
English | sheet |
German | Plane |
German | Stoff |
German | Tuch |
French | bâche |
French | banne |
French | prélart |
French | semoir |
French | tissu |
Russian | брезент |
Russian | лист |
Russian | полотнище |
Russian | сукно |
Russian | ткань |
Russian | холст |
Spanish | estofo |
Spanish | paño |
Spanish | tejido |
Spanish | tela |
Spanish | toldo |
Spanish | trapo |
Italian | tessuto |
Portuguese | estofo |
Portuguese | pano |
Portuguese | tecido |
Portuguese | tela |
Portuguese | toldo |
Portuguese | trapo |
Dutch | dug |
Dutch | klud |
Dutch | stof |
Czech | celtovina |
Czech | látka |
Czech | plachta |
Czech | plachtovina |
Czech | tkanina |
Czech | tkanivo |
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