Open Live Multilingual Dictionary
Translation of the Polish word szyderczy to other languages.
Language | Translation |
English | catty |
English | derisive |
English | derisory |
English | jaundiced |
English | mocking |
English | sneering |
German | höhnisch |
German | sarkastisch |
French | gausseur |
French | goguenard |
French | gouailleur |
French | moqueur |
French | narquois |
French | que |
French | railleur |
French | sardonique |
Russian | иронический |
Russian | насмешливый |
Russian | шутливый |
Spanish | burlón |
Spanish | burlona |
Spanish | socarrona |
Italian | ghigno |
Portuguese | burlona |
Portuguese | socarão |
Czech | jedovatý |
Czech | posměšný |
Czech | uštěpačný |
Czech | výsměšný |
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